a long long time ago in a kampung dusun far far away
there was a happily nordin's family ...
one of his(nordin's) heir was born into art of music, he believes in 'peace'.
the only thing that kept them from evil is singing, with such a beautiful harmony
of his instrumental playing,too..
the human race have lived their lives happily,until....
here comes, a darkess. born a human-alike creature to destroy the humanity
that remains. to him, humans are just ugly, "like the ugliest creatures in the world,
let's say maggots for example, ha ha ha ha ha" , he laughed.
as there goes, fighting between humans and this creature, filled with hatred, vengeance,
(i dont know where dat came from,lol)
... the fight continuoues, bloodshed, dead bodies all over the places,
still not having a chance to take advantages to defeat the slayer..
there comes the leader of mankind, just about the tym, the slayer gets to
stab ( i dont knoe how.haha) the artist.
when there is no chance of human remains alive in the world,
came one man, a hero to kill the slayer.
(dah tkde idea) as soon as the slayer saw the evil-looking
human, he then ran away and killed himself because of the looks
scared him alot.. lol..
p/s : sori muadz character ko mati cepat, haha. at least main character gk pe. :D
the land is now in peace
the end
The Artist - Hadi Nordin
The Slayer - Mu'adz Shahrom
The Savior(evil looks one) - Marlek Nordin
hahahah..mmg dongeng xblah bla
mana ko amek gmba2 tu..
xtahan tgh lwn bole snyum dkt kamera tu..cmtula yg kt mahu..
lwn dlm akhlak islam..heheh xde darah,xde bom, hanya light saber akmal mirwana mainan punya je..dgn topeng darth vader
aku amek gmba kt blog abg aku,
lame da aku save, saje belek² tnampak bahan lame, so wat cite mepek skit
haha sempoi.. teruskan usha anda
p/s : ha pasni boleh aku jadi watak tambahan *..*
Ade gambar Hadi... Tengah senyum/gelak pulak tu. Glad to know that he's well and "alive", perhaps? Kat sekolah dulu ada sorang kawan dia yang jealous gila dengan dia (sebab dia budak pandai, berbakat, dll.), sebab itulah dia berkelakuan agak zalim terhadap Hadi. Tapi orang tu dah menyesal tahap gila dah sekarang ni dan berharap agar Hadi dapat memaafkan dia. Dia juga berharap agar Hadi mengambil Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah sebagai panduan utama hidupnya.
sape kwn yg bkelakuan zalim dkt hadi tu??
haha,, sape lah gerangan anda? seolah2 ade sesuatu ttg hadi? hmm,,
Hadi skarnag kt kolej ape ah,, lupe plak.. hehe.. nnt tanye balek,,
n sape lah kawan die yg dengki sangat tu ha? haha.. mmg JAHAT sugguh, mmg ketamakan dunia,.. ape lah sangat addunia alfaniah..
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